Patricia Spruce, MBE, wrote on her Linkedin page about her experience when receiving her MBE and quoted Prince William as she spoke to the Prince about Kate's healthcare. "Prince William said that Katherine [sic] had two Filipino nurses looking after her and they were amazing and kind."

Please Note: The nurses referred to here are not employees or agents of Filipino Care Givers Ltd

Trish Spruce MBE FCIPD



Q: How many days and hours will my live-in support worker work?

A: Although a Filipino Care Giver lives in your home, he or she is not expected to provide care 24 hours a day. A typical day will be broken into contact/work time and non-contact/downtime, based around your daily routines and preferences.

On average Filipino Care Giver may typically work 8-10 hours a day. In order to comply with the employment law regulations, your support worker will require a minimum two-hour break in every working day.

During this time they must be free to leave your home.

On average most support workers can work six or seven days a week.

Filipino Care Givers






Q: What do I need to provide for my live-in support worker?

You will need to have a suitable, furnished, warm, secure, and private room for your support worker to live-in with you.

As your Filipino Care Giver may spend their breaks and downtime in their room, it is nice for them to have furnishings such as comfortable bed, bedside table, chest of drawers, wardrobe, an armchair, desk and television where possible.

We suggest that Filipino Care Giver’s room is lockable, or if this is not possible, that there is a safe place for them to keep their personal belongings and valuables.

They are also advised to keep your home secure by locking windows and doors as per your instructions and are instructed not to invite their own friends and family to visit them at your home.

Filipino Care Givers






Q: Do you just provide live-in care for an elderly person?

A: Its not just elderly people who can benefit from live-in care. We also offer Personal Assistants for younger people too.

Filipino Care Givers






Q: How much does a live-in Support worker cost?

Working out the cost of your live-in care can be confusing but working in the care sector, our team have a wealth of knowledge and experience and take great pride in being open and flexible according to your budget.

Needing a carer no longer automatically means needing a care home (and you may be pleasantly surprised at what you could be eligible for in terms of local funding to remain at home.

The cost of a live-in support worker will vary according to your circumstances, but with a budget of around £000 per week, remaining at home becomes could be a cost-effective solution compared with the cost of residential care or a nursing home.

And of course, if you are a couple, sharing the one-to-one attention of a live-in care support at home, makes even more financial sense.

The cost of live-in care will, of course, vary depending on which Filipino Care service you are considering. If you are beginning the journey into the world of care, give us a call today and let one of our experienced team guide you through your options.

Filipino Care Givers






Q: Will my live-in support worker drive?

A: Yes, our support workers are happy to shop for your food and cook all your favourite nutritious meals.

Filipino Care Givers





Contact Us

Filipino Care Givers

Network International Business Centre, 2nd Floor, 30 Heath Road, Twickenham, TW1 4DD

08000231280 - Monday to Friday 9:30 to 5:30
Mobile & Out of hours: 07960 756004
or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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